Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 24

It is 11/30/19. Today I decided to start planning what I was going to put on my magazine cover (This will be may longest blog because I will be disscusing all the conventions). Some of the decision I had to make were what image I would be using for my cover image; after looking through the pictures that I wanted to use I decided that I wanted to use the female model for the cover image simply because she is more alluring in her photos than the male model, and this would fit in the mode of address for my magazine. I also had to look at my group members magazine in order for our magazine's conventions to match (some of the decisions for the fonts from the previous blogs have changed).
For my masthead I used a font called Anton, with a 77.4 font, and a dark red color. I chose this font because I saw a common theme of bold bubble letters in fashion magazines such as, Teen Vogue and GQ. I choose the color red because it matches my model's shirt, the red also helps the masthead stand out form the main article which is in bold letters as well.
For my sweet spot I used a circular element to show that the fashion topics have to due with trends in this year.  I decided to use a sweet spot because I saw that many magazines used them as a way to validate why you should take advice from the magazine and it shows why the magazine is relevant.I used Anton font again to keep the fonts consistent because it is very simplistic, but bold enough to stand out from the other headings.
For my slogan, I used Kollektif, with a size 26.7 font. I got inspiration from the Allure magazine's font for their slogan, the minimalist font did not match the other fonts which helped it stand out; hence why I used this font.
My mode of address was based of my model and her pose. I specifically had her look directly towards the camera in this shot so that the look in her eyes could be used to allure the audience. I chose this shot instead of my male models shot because she is more attractive and a woman is more commonly used for the cover page as well as the mode of address in magazines as seen in magazines like Allure, Teen Vogue, and InStyle.
My house style is the Anton font that I have used for most of my text because it is both minimalist and bold. I saw that using bold and minimalist fonts are very commonly used fonts in fashion magazine because it helps their magazines standout from other types of magazines; for example sports magazines tend to have bold outlined texts such as Sports Illustrated. I decided to use this bold font over other because the other fonts were to bold; most of the other fonts tended to be too bold, the bubble lettering they had did not fit the style of the cover image.
For my headline I used a font called Abril Fatfaced, with a 67.4 size in black. I decided to use this font instead of Anton because I wanted my main topic to standout completely from the other texts on my magazine so that my audience would have a general Idea of what my magazine edition would be focusing on. The black lettering helps the headline standout especially since the setting of the image is fairly bright, which helped make it easier for the text to standout.
For my cover lines I used Antonio Light, size 30.1 in white. I used Used this font as opposed to my main article and house style so that I could play around with the different texts that I had to choose from. Using a different font also help to set up the different articles that I would have in my table of contents. The white texts surprisingly stood out in the fairly white cover image that I chose; hence why I continued to use it for the rest of the cover lines (puffs).
I used the same font and color for my strap line as well. The strap line was slightly bigger, 30.7 in size, and I italicized it to show that it would be the main article that I would be writing about in my project. The reason I kept this font and color is because it completed what the main article would be discussing: "How to stay cool in the heat." The color works with the play on words of my headline, the dark text ( heat), and the strap line's light text ( heat).
I had a small banner because I wanted to use as much space as I could for my cover. However, I did leave some space so that the magazine word not look cramped.
For my anchorage I used Abril Fatface, size 67.4 in black. I purposely made the anchorage black so the text could stand out from the rest of the text and so it would match my models jeans. Throughout my magazine I purposely used the colors red, black, and white because those were the colors that my model's outfit had.
For my pugs I priced my magazine at $12.00. I looked at different magazines prices such as Hypebeast, GQ, Teen Vogue, and Allure to compare prices; I saw that the prices were less than $20.00 so my group and I settled for pricing my magazine.
The buzz words I used were "new" and "top 10"
Here is my finished product

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Day 32

It is 12/19/19. This is my critical reflection. I I   https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmxQ5XV6uC7SbTacQpFqsIma80E  CCR questions- Derrick A. Lezama T...