Thursday, December 19, 2019

Day 32

It is 12/19/19. This is my critical reflection.


Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 31

It is 12/17/19. This is my finial blog post, here is my finish product of my magazine.

Official Magazine- by: Derrick A. Lezama

Day 30

It is 12/12/19. Today I finished my magazine. I did not have to do much today beside putting my article together. I already had my article written out and I had the pictures I was going to use for my article set aside and edited; however, I had trouble deciding on the template that I wanted to use because there were many layouts that appealed to me. After looking through some fashion magazine article one that stood out to me was a layout were they had the images above the text as discussed in previous articles, but the text in the article page was separated by lines. Although this is a very minuscule component of the my article, it is very visually appealing, it makes it easier for the article to be read, and it helps show were the article starts and ends, note I only did one article not two different ones. The lines also add a minimalist look to the magazine which is commonly seen in street wear magazines such as Hypebeast and Vogue.
Here is the finish product of my article.

Day 29

It is 12/10/19. Today I did my second interview for my article with my female model Reegan. For this interview I did ran through the same procedure as my last interview, I hopped on a FaceTime call with her and asked her about her morning routine of how she styles herself and where she gets her inspiration from. She told me that she gets her inspiration from models such as Kylie Jenner, Aleali May, and even Travis Scott. What was truly intriguing about her interview was when she told me that she also got inspiration based off the weather of the day, whether it is rainy, sunny, cool, and so on. Usually people base their outfit off their shoes, jacket, hat, or any other particular piece of clothing. This was a key component to my magazine's article because I thought this unique piece of inspiration would help my article standout from other fashion magazine articles when giving advice on what to wear for the winter and some of those fashion icons that the youth is looking to for inspiration.
Here are some of the outfit inspirations.

Day 28

It is 12/7/19. Today I began working on the text for my article. For this part of my project I needed to interview my models as well as include my own insight on " How to Stay Cool in the Heat." I went on separate FaceTime calls with my models' for this section as I needed a few quotes from them to use as first-hand experience for how your average teenager styles themselves for the winter season. In the call with my male Model Mike, he gave me insight on how musicians, specifically in rap, influence his style immensely; this is also how I came up with the idea to create an article titled "How Music Has Influenced the Fashion Industry." One of the main influence's in the music industry that my male model looks at is an artist called Travis Scoot; not only is he one of the most raps most beloved artists out right now but, he is also one of fashion most growing brands as of 2019. His label  Cactus jack, has created man pieces surrounding his latest album, Astroworld. With this in mind I included a reference to Travis Scott in my article when talking about fashion icons and who the youth looks at for inspiration.
Here is the outfit which was influenced by Travis Scott.

Day 27

It is 12/5/19. Today I continued working on my article pages. For the second page of my article I wanted to include both images and text to give a more visually pleasing aesthetic to my article. While doing research on how fashion magazine layout their article pages, I discovered that some of the templates have an image above the article or they have the text surrounding the image. I decided to have my images above the text so as my audience is reading my article they have my images to refer to when I am discussing certain pieces of clothing throughout my article. I also found that although the articles have images in the article pages, the text is lengthy. With this in mind I decided to go into depth when describing my models outfits as well as their advice for how they style themselves throughout the winter season.
These are the two pictures I will be using in my second article page.

Day 26

It is 12/2/19. Today I began working on my article pages. This was by far the hardest part of my project to create because this determine how valuable the insight that my magazine showcases. Throughout my research I discovered that magazine do not tend to fill two pages of pure text, one page usually includes an image with the title of the article and a description of what they will be talking about. I also found that the image includes a brief description of what the model is wearing; although I did include a description of what my model was wearing I did not include the specific brands that he was wearing because not all of the garments were name brands/ well known brands; however, I did include a description of some of the essentials that I would be discussing in my article as a form of a mode of address to intrigue my readers into reading my article. A key component of my article is the way I compared and contrasted the "cool" outfits from the "heat" outfits. I first showcased a warm setting; however, I used an outfit that would be more commonly seen in a cool setting. The purpose of the was to showcase how you can where warmer garments in the hot and humid Florida weather. For the second image, I did the complete opposite; I showcased an outfit that would be more commonly worn in the heat, but I used a cool setting to showcase how you can wear a lighter outfit in Florida's breezy weather because it does not get that cold down here.
Here is the finish product of my first article page.

Day 32

It is 12/19/19. This is my critical reflection. I I!AmxQ5XV6uC7SbTacQpFqsIma80E  CCR questions- Derrick A. Lezama T...