Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 30

It is 12/12/19. Today I finished my magazine. I did not have to do much today beside putting my article together. I already had my article written out and I had the pictures I was going to use for my article set aside and edited; however, I had trouble deciding on the template that I wanted to use because there were many layouts that appealed to me. After looking through some fashion magazine article one that stood out to me was a layout were they had the images above the text as discussed in previous articles, but the text in the article page was separated by lines. Although this is a very minuscule component of the my article, it is very visually appealing, it makes it easier for the article to be read, and it helps show were the article starts and ends, note I only did one article not two different ones. The lines also add a minimalist look to the magazine which is commonly seen in street wear magazines such as Hypebeast and Vogue.
Here is the finish product of my article.

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Day 32

It is 12/19/19. This is my critical reflection. I I   https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmxQ5XV6uC7SbTacQpFqsIma80E  CCR questions- Derrick A. Lezama T...