Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 29

It is 12/10/19. Today I did my second interview for my article with my female model Reegan. For this interview I did ran through the same procedure as my last interview, I hopped on a FaceTime call with her and asked her about her morning routine of how she styles herself and where she gets her inspiration from. She told me that she gets her inspiration from models such as Kylie Jenner, Aleali May, and even Travis Scott. What was truly intriguing about her interview was when she told me that she also got inspiration based off the weather of the day, whether it is rainy, sunny, cool, and so on. Usually people base their outfit off their shoes, jacket, hat, or any other particular piece of clothing. This was a key component to my magazine's article because I thought this unique piece of inspiration would help my article standout from other fashion magazine articles when giving advice on what to wear for the winter and some of those fashion icons that the youth is looking to for inspiration.
Here are some of the outfit inspirations.

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Day 32

It is 12/19/19. This is my critical reflection. I I   https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmxQ5XV6uC7SbTacQpFqsIma80E  CCR questions- Derrick A. Lezama T...