Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Day 27

It is 12/5/19. Today I continued working on my article pages. For the second page of my article I wanted to include both images and text to give a more visually pleasing aesthetic to my article. While doing research on how fashion magazine layout their article pages, I discovered that some of the templates have an image above the article or they have the text surrounding the image. I decided to have my images above the text so as my audience is reading my article they have my images to refer to when I am discussing certain pieces of clothing throughout my article. I also found that although the articles have images in the article pages, the text is lengthy. With this in mind I decided to go into depth when describing my models outfits as well as their advice for how they style themselves throughout the winter season.
These are the two pictures I will be using in my second article page.

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Day 32

It is 12/19/19. This is my critical reflection. I I   https://1drv.ms/p/s!AmxQ5XV6uC7SbTacQpFqsIma80E  CCR questions- Derrick A. Lezama T...